Plastic Forests is Australia’s only dedicated soft plastics remanufacturer and the first company globally to commercialise a unique dry-cleaning process to recycle soft plastics, without using water or chemicals.

With over a decade’s experience, Plastic Forests understands how to recycle and remanufacture this challenging material. Soft plastics (or plastic films) are lightweight and voluminous, and hence notoriously difficult to collect, clean and recycle. Their contamination with organic food residues, ink, dirt, hay etc pose an even greater challenge for recycling. Most soft plastic recyclers use large volumes of water to clean the plastic for recycling, which is both uneconomical and creates another problematic waste stream. Households, agriculture and industry generate over 300,000 tonnes of soft plastic ‘waste’ (like plastic bags and packaging) in Australia each year, most of which is destined for landfill.
Since 2011, Plastic Forests’ innovative recycling technology has been transforming soft plastics into our growing range of sustainable GreenMongrel® nursery products as well as high-performance commercial, agricultural and infrastructure products including wheel stops, bollards, fence posts, underground cable cover and dunnage.
As a rural business, we also understand the difficulties farmers face disposing of their farm soft plastics, such as silage wrap, in an environmentally friendly way. We are excited that this plastic can now be upcycled into products like our long-lasting fence posts to create a circular economy for the equine and farming community.

Soft Plastics We Recycle
Some Of Our Recycling Customers

Types Of Plastic We Recycle
High Density Polyethylene
Low Density Polyethylene
Linear Low Density Polyethylene


Plastic Forests is a recipient of a grant from the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA’s ‘Waste Less Recycle More’ $802 million initiative.
This initiative is funded from the waste levy and aims to improve the management of waste and promote recycling innovation.