
Waste Revolution
“Waste Revolution Australia allows corporations to help fight the plastic crisis today by helping them to reduce their plastic use and also require them to purchase Plastic Offsets. These plastic offsets fund plastic collection and recycling activities here in Australia. The flagship program with Plastic Forests helps stimulate end-demand for recycled plastic products, as the Plastic Offsets are used to fund the development and purchase of some Plastic Forests fence posts which are then donated to charities, like Blazeaid Australia, who are currently using the recycled fence-post to rebuild paddock fencing of farmers devastated by the recent floods.”

Operation Clean Sweep
Plastic Forests is proud to partner with Operation Clean Sweep Australia, a program designed to ensure resin pellets are contained, reclaimed and/or disposed of properly. Drains at Plastic Forests are covered with mesh to ensure resin pellets do not escape into drains and waterways.